Dr. Yachao Dong
Dr. Yachao Dong had his undergraduate education in Automation at the Department of Control Science & Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, graduating in 2011. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2017 at the University of Wisconsin under the supervise of Professor Christos Maravelias. His thesis was on the “Modeling and Solution Methods for Inventory Routing Problems in Chemical Industry”
In June 2017 Dr. Dong joint the research group of Professor Georgakis and has led a high profile project in the modeling and analysis of pharmaceutical reactions. Between 2017 and 2019, this project was jointly funded by Pfizer and Merck and it is presently funded by Pfizer.

Dr. Yachao Dong
Research Activities
- Generalizing the Dynamic Response Surface Methodology (DRSM) to estimate data-driven models from composition measurements in pharmaceutical reactions
- Developed and distributed software of DRSM methodology with a graphic user interface for non-expert users.
- Tested the DRSM algorithm against challenging data sets from Pfizer and Merck.
- Utilized DRSM models to identify reaction stoichiometries
- Optimized process operating condition using DRSM models
- Systematic Estimation of Kinetic Models
- Dong, Y., Georgakis, C., Mustakis, J., Han, L. and McMullen, J. Optimization for Pharmaceutical Reactions using Dynamic Response Surface Methodology. Comp. & Chem. Eng., 2020; here.
- Dong, Y., Georgakis, C., Mustakis, J., Hawkins, J., Han, L., Wang, K., McMullen, J. Grosser, S. and Stone, K. Stoichiometry Identification of Pharmaceutical Reactions using the Constrained Dynamic Response Surface Methodology. AIChE Journal, 2019; here.
- Dong, Y., Georgakis, C., Mustakis, J., Hawkins, J., Han, L., Wang, K., McMullen, J. Grosser, S. and Stone, K. Constrained Version of the Dynamic Response Surface Methodology for Modeling Pharmaceutical Reactions. Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58 (30), 13611-13621.
- Dong, Y., Maravelias, C.T., and Jerome, N.F. Reoptimization and Policy Analysis for Maritime Inventory Routing under uncertainty. Optimization & Engineering,2018, 19 (4), 937-976.
- Dong, Y. and Maravelias, C.T. Terminal Constraints for Single-stage Multi-product Scheduling Problems. In Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations (FOCAPO), Tucson, AZ, January 8-12 2017.
- Dong, Y., Maravelias, C.T., Pinto, J.M., and Sundaramoorthy, A. Solution Methods for Vehicle-based Inventory Routing Problems. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2017, 101, 259-278.
- Velez, S., Dong, Y., and Maravelias, C.T. Changeover Formulations for Discrete-Time Mixed-integer Programming Scheduling Models. European Journal of Operational Research. 2017, 260 (3), 949-963.
- Dong, Y., Pinto, J.M., Sundaramoorthy, A., and Maravelias, C.T. MIP Model for Inventory Routing in Industrial Gases Supply Chain. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2014, 53 (44), 17214-17225.
- Liu, B., Ghosal, D., Dong, Y., Chuah, C., and Zhang, H.M. CarbonRecorder: A Mobile-Social Vehicular Carbon Emission Tracking Application Suite. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2011.